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Going Native: Rethinking Ornamental Plants

The garden represents a mixture of native and non-native plants reflecting a changing garden purpose from decorative to habitat renewal.

Mature native oak, American holly and white pine trees dot the garden landscape, supporting wildlife in a protective environment. Across moss-covered lawns a mixture of raised gardens, sectional gardens and pots display a season selection of native pollinating plants which include:

coreopsis, skullcap, penstemon, swamp and rose milkweed, marsh marigold, pink muhly grass, wild bergamot, blazing star, lobelia, aster, orange and purple coneflower, baptisia australis, blue mistflower, cardinal flower

Spread across the garden among the perennials are the following native pollinating shrubs:

diervillas, Virgina sweetspires, double-file viburnum

The garden is a work in progress toward sustainable gardening practices.