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Vision with a View: A Work in Progress

Having raised our family here in Marlton Lakes, just up a block, we decided it was time to claim our lakefront rental property as our own. 

This home and property have undergone extensive renovations and restoration.  The transformation is nearly complete! The garden will remain a work in progress.

Gardening is a learning experience: trial and error, success and failure, frustration and intimidation, coupled with unbridled excitement. A large pitch pine and a battered, but not broken, hemlock add character to the property.

Our vision for this burgeoning garden is to combine the best of Pine Barren natives with some pops of color and lots of old-fashioned favorites.

There is still work to be done! 

I’m happy to welcome you today to enjoy this work in progress. Come sit and spend some time on the back patio, grab a cool drink, enjoy the best views of Marlton Lakes, meet some new friends, and share all things garden related. 

I’m open to visioneering with you. 
