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The Chef’s Garden (with a side of native plants)

Hello! My name is Becki.  I am passionate about food and love to cook with fresh ingredients. I believe delicious food nourishes the soul and body. Therefore, I grow my food strictly organically keeping chemicals out of the process. Even when combating garden pests. I have learned to implement gardening strategies and tactics that allow for healthier, more abundant yields. The garden is designed to maximize space giving me the means to add more variety to the menu. Some of these strategies include: raised beds, vertical structures, a drip system and habitat for pollinators. 

This year, I certified my garden as a wildlife habitat. I learned more about the importance of local pollinators and recognized an opportunity for mutual benefit by creating food sources for them!

I am eager to see my newly planted native plant garden work to invite more pollinators that will help my garden to flourish. 

Over the years, much of my gardening has been trial and error.  I have diligently kept a garden journal. Recording my strategies, successes and failures has been a tremendous help in my journey! I strongly recommend keeping a garden journal. 

While the gardening season for putting out delicious dishes is limited, the harvests and fruits of my labor continue to be served throughout the year. I also practice canning! Storing many of my seasonal garden treats keeps fresh ingredients on the table in every season.